A Leap of Faith

The guillemot bird pictured here does something extraordinary. They make nests in cliffs overseeing the ocean and usually only have one chick. What is amazing is that before the chick even learns how to fly, it jumps out of its nest off of the cliff in a complete leap of faith, as it has no clue what to expect. Afterwards, the chick spends time with its parents at sea.
Hello! My name is Jason and this is my blog! In many ways, I currently feel like the guillemot chick. This is my first ever blog post and I have no clue what to expect. I have to just take a leap of faith and hope for the best. For the past few days I have felt like the guillemot bird in that I have been waiting on the edge of the cliff, knowing that jumping in is inevitable. I knew I would be making this blog but I had to think about all the what ifs, all the uncertainties. I’m sure the guillemot bird has many uncertainties as well, “What if I don’t make it?” “What if I can’t learn to fly”. However, the bird still finds itself plummeting to the ground.

Just as the guillemot bird learns how to fly from taking its leap of faith, a whole new world is opened up for me by taking my leap of faith. That is the world of blogging and the endless possibilities it brings. There is something that I have learned from the guillemot bird. It is that even though there might be uncertainties, you just have to do it because you won’t know of the advantages it brings until you do. This whole blogging idea is completely new to me, but here I am, plummeting to the ground, hoping I learn how to fly.


3 responses to “A Leap of Faith

  1. @ Jason,

    Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

    I know exactly how you feel. I started a classroom blog back in 2008, and it was very difficult to press publish the first few times I posted! At first, I worried that what I wrote might not be good enough. Other times, I struggled to find the right word or phrase. Over time, I have realized that the process of writing and reflecting is wonderful, and I worry less and publish more. 🙂

    Good luck to you on your journey!

    ~Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Hi, Jason–
    Congratulations on your leap of faith – I love your analogy. I blogged for a while for school, but then stopped. I recently took a leap of faith and started publishing and sharing my blog more directly. Scary, indeed. Best of luck to you!

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